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Index of W3C Core Styles

Opera users only!

To assist Opera users in applying their own user stylesheets, I've collected the CSS Core Styles here. Please note that these CSS files should only be used with the Opera Browser. Some rules included will crash Netscape.

If you've associated a text editor (or Opera) with the mime-type text/css, then following any of the links should automatically open the css file in your editor (or Opera). You may then save the file (I'd suggest using the file names provided, to exactly mirror the names used for the Core Styles), making sure that the extension is .css.

To begin using your selected file as your user default css, follow these steps for Opera 3x, or 4x instructions:

Opera 3.6 instructions

  • Preferences ->
  • Document Appearance ->
  • Cascading Style Sheets (browse for location where you saved the .css file and select it)
  • Document Mode ->
  • Enable User CSS ->
  • OK

Opera 4.x instructions

  • Preferences ->
  • Documents ->
  • User CSS (browse for location where you saved the .css file and select it) ->
  • Document Mode ->
  • Enable User CSS ->
  • OK

The W3C Core Styles, optimized for Opera

Please mail me with suggestions for improving this document.