[OU] Instant crash when starting Opera 6.x

Axel Siebert opera-users@opera.com
Wed Dec 4 10:10:03 2002

Hi all.

There were a lot of crash reports recently about that. If you also 
experience it, and the crash report shows that the crash address
was 005DC5C2, then please read on.
It's a bug in the banner code. The advertising company seems to serve a 
banner without a link when you click on it, and Opera 6 can't handle that. 
It's fixed in Opera 7, but we desperately have to identify the offending 
banner to have it removed for Opera 6 users.
If people experiencing that could make a packet dump of the instructions 
Opera gets from the ad server right before it crashes, that would be most 
In the meantime, just register Opera 6 and the bug will of course disappear 
along with the annoying banner :)

This is how you make a packet dump:
Please download http://www.axelsiebert.de/sniffer.zip and unzip it.
It's the Windows port of tcpdump, (their home page is
http://netgroup-serv.polito.it/windump/ )  and contains two exe files.
WinPcap contains the sniffer library, while windump is the program itself.
You have to run WinPcap once, it will install the libraries (packet.dll,
wpcap.dll, and packet.vxd/packetnt.sys/packet2k.sys depending on your
Windoze version) in your system directory. After that, running windump.exe
from the command prompt is all that's necessary for sniffing.
First of all, try
windump -D
You'll get a list of all networking interfaces installed in your system.
Choose the one responsible for internet access and remember its number.
Then type
windump -n -i3 -s4000 -w packets
to start the sniffing, where you must specify the interface to listen to
after -i. You can abort the sniffing by pressing CTRL-C. While the sniffer
is running, all packets are dumped into the file "packets". Let the
sniffer run while you start Opera and let it crash. Then stop it and
send the log to me.

Thanks a lot for your cooperation!
