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System Administrator's Handbook

Opera has been lauded as "a system administrator's dream" because of its unique capabilities, options for configuration, and customization. The usages of Opera can be very different, and very powerful; in a network setting, as a kiosk browser, in a multiple user, or single user environment. Here is some information to help maximize your control of Opera in varied environments.

Super setup file and preferences

The current implementation uses three different preference settings files. One is a user file, and the other two are system files. The format of the three files is the same. There are no special lines that need to be entered. Anything that you can have in your local opera.ini, you can have in the two others. The settings files work as follows:

User file

This is the OPERA.INI as we all know it. This is where all the changes that are made via the Opera user interface (GUI) are stored. It is either specified on the command line or Opera searches for it (in Windows) in the EXE directory or the Windows directory, or on Linux in ~/.opera/opera.ini. More information on opera.ini can be found in the document Opera.ini settings explained.

System fixed

The "system fixed" is where the system administrator can put non-overridable settings, such as proxy settings and such. This file, under Windows, should be placed in the system directory and (also) named OPERA.INI. On Linux this should be /etc/operarc.fixed
(on Windows is called %SYSDIR%\OPERA.INI, and on Linux /etc/operarc.fixed )
Since "system directory" varies from system to system, this means that normally the placement would be \WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT and \WINDOWS\SYSTEM on Windows 9x.

The "system fixed" file overrides anything that is specified in the OPERA.INI user file.

This means, for example, that if you set
[User Prefs]
Home URL=http://www.opera.com/

in the system fixed, then you cannot change to another global homepage in Opera. These settings can not be overridden by the user, although they will be visibly available in the preference dialogues. (See [Menu Prefs Settings] for info on hiding preference dialogs from the GUI.)

System defaults

The "system defaults" is a fall-back file, where the system administrator can store default values that the users are able to override. The system defaults file is given the lowest priority, and will only be used if neither the "system fixed" nor the local opera.ini defines the setting. If the same setting is in the user file, then the user file always has precedence. The "system defaults" file on the Windows platform should be called OPERADEF.INI, and on Linux it should be /etc/operarc
This file should be placed in the system directory.
(on Windows is called %SYSDIR%\OPERADEF.INI, and on Linux /etc/operarc )


  • Not all systems implement the three-level scheme. For systems that are inherently single-user, such as a palm top running EPOC, there wouldn't be much use for it.
  • The user settings file can have any name with an .ini extension, and this will be used at startup if specified in the command line. See the sections Alternative and multiple user configuration and Command line options for more info.


The settings file opera.ini is a mind-boggling, extensive array of options for micro-configuration and is highly recommended reading for those who want the utmost control of the Opera browsing experience.

See "Opera.ini settings explained" for the exact entries to be used in the settings files.
Take careful note of the huge [USER PREFS] section.

Other settings that can be of particular use in a network enviroment, and are additionally documented in the Opera program Help are:

[Proxy] found in the Help index under "Proxy Servers, Preferences"
[Performance] found in the Help index under "Performance; Connections, Preferences"

File Locations

By default, Opera installs all its files and folders (except opera.ini) into the Opera directory.

You can set the locations of all, or only selected files, on any local drive, network drive, or even on removeable media. For example, the Help files could be left in the Opera program directory, while personalized files such as the global history and the Hotlist could be stored elsewhere.

Customizable files and directories are specified below...

Specifying locations in:

Entry:Description:configure from UI:
Opera Directory=Main Opera directory.
Is string with default "c:\\opera"
Opera Directory=E:\Custom\Opera

NOTE: Mail is defaulting to %OPERADIR%\Mail

Preferences -> Paths
Windows Storage File=Window save file
Window menu -> Save all
Hotlist File Ver2=Full path to Opera bookmarks file, uses .adr extension.
Is string with default opera3.adr
Dock or float Hotlist, "bookmark action menu"
BUTTON SET=Current button description file.
This is documented in another file.
Is string with default "buttons.ini"
Button Directory=Current button image directory
Preferences -> Toolbars, Image set
Help Directory=Full path to Opera help directory
Local CSS File=User CSS file.
Preferences -> Documents
Plugin Path = Plug-in path, multiple paths can be delimited by semicolon;
F:\Opera\Program\Plugins; F:\OPERA\plugins;
Direct History File=Opera historyfile with direct history lies in this file. Full path.
Global History File=Opera global history is stored in this file.
Cache Directory4=Path to cache directory.
Must be named "cache4"
Home URL= URL to Opera Global Home Page, a user defined homepage.
Can be a web URL or a local file.
Toolbar button, Navigation menu
Source Viewer=Document source viewer.
Is string with default "write.exe"
Preferences -> Paths
Splash image=Filename of image used in splashscreen.
Language File=Current Language file used.
Preferences -> Languages
Button History File=This is a Opera history-file with paths to recent button files.

Additional sections that contain specific path identifiers that may be useful:

[Saved Settings]

Entry:Description:configure from UI:
System Hotlist File=This section allows you to designate a system-wide Hotlist
(shared bookmark file).
Entry:Description:configure from UI:
AddressFile=Path to Contact list file.
Named CONTACT.ADR by default.
[Adv User Prefs]
Entry:Description:configure from UI:
Telnet App=Path to Telnet client.
Preferences -> Paths
Entry:Description:configure from UI:
MAINDIR=Directory into which new Opera installations should take place.
at install

In Opera 5.x, there is an option to disable some or all of the GUI preference sub-dialogs. Simply edit OPERA.INI (either: user, system fixed, or system default) by adding this entry: [Menu Prefs Settings]. Following it, add your choices for display of the individual preference dialog sections.

For example, the following list would make the "Languages", "Paths", and "Personal information" dialogs disappear from Opera's Preferences menu:

[Menu Prefs Settings]

Use 1 to allow the user to view and change those particular preferences (unless prohibited by the system fixed file).
Use 0 to make those preferences inaccessible to the user.

The following is a complete list of Opera's program preference dialogs as defined by OPERA.INI.

[Menu Prefs Settings]
Access=These are the preferences sub-dialogs that appear under File->Preferences.

Use =0 to disable

Use =1 to enable

If all are disabled, the File->Preferences menu itself will be disabled.


Command line options

Command line options are particularly useful for starting Opera in some sort of customized mode. There are several ways to do this. For example, in Windows from "Run", or from (any number of) Opera icons or menu shortcuts. More in-depth information on how to set these up can be found in the alternative and multiple user configuration section.

Overview of available options:

Alternative and multiple user configuration

It is possible to use alternative settings file(s) for multiple version installations, alternative setups, and/or for supporting multiple users on the same system. More detailed information will be posted in the near future. (Relevant document is in draft stages.)

Command line options: Document(s)

One or more documents can be loaded at startup via the command line. Simply type the path to the Opera executable, plus the full path of the document(s), each separated by a space. This should be typed at the command line prompt, at "Run" in Windows, or (more permanently) in the Target line of any Opera icon/shortcut properties.

For example:
D:\Opera\Opera.exe http://www.opera.com http://www.myopera.com
d:\opera\opera.exe f:/Net/documents

Note, Opera will recognize characters in either upper or lower case, and will recognize either back or forward slashes in URLs at the command line. But note that other command line switches must be preceeded only by a forward slash.

You can run Opera from the command line using any combination of URLs and switches.

Command line options: Switches

One or more switches can be applied at startup via the command line. Simply type the path to the Opera executable, then the commanding switch(es), each separated by a space.

For example:
D:\Opera\Opera.exe /nowin
d:\opera\opera.exe /k /nowin
C:\Opera\opera.exe /k http://www.opera.com
F:\Opera\Opera.exe http://www.opera.com /k /nosplashscreen

Available command line switches:
/eNulls any switches or documents on the command line after the /e. Useful for testing and tinkering.
/noWinNo open document windows at startup.
/noSplashScreenNo splash screen at startup.
/k or /kioskMode(explained in the next section)
/NoChangeFullScreenOpera runs in fullscreen mode only.
/NoChangeMenuPrevents changes to the menu.
/NoSysMenuNo program system menu (top left "O"). Can still close browser using keyboard.
/NoChangeButtonsPrevents changes to buttonbar or buttonset.
/NoKeyboardShortcutsPrevents use of Opera keyboard shortcuts.
/NoMinMaxButtonsCannot resize the browser window.
(Can resize document windows, and drag the browser window around by the titlebar.)
/noExit(explained in the next section)

Opera will recognize characters in either upper or lower case. Note that command line switches must be preceeded only by a forward slash.

Presentation or kiosk mode features

In addition to the other command line options, below is list of command line switches that can be very useful when using Opera as a kiosk browser or for presentations.

Kiosk mode

You can use /k (or /kioskMode) added to the command line to initiate "kiosk" mode. Kiosk mode is simply a shortcut for implementing the following six action switches:

  • /NoChangeFullScreen
  • /NoChangeMenu
  • /NoChangeButtons
  • /NoSysMenu
  • /NoMinMaxButtons
  • /NoKeyboardShortcuts

Using /noExit is an additional option. It totally prevents the browser from being closed from the system user interface. We recommend you to use it only when appropriate, because to kill is your only way out.

These previously mentioned switches may also be useful in kiosk or presentation mode.

  • /e
  • /noWin
  • /noSplashScreen


And here is just a partial list of flags and switches (configurable from the user interface or from the settings file) that can also be useful for running opera in kiosk or presentation mode. Check out opera.ini for the finest selection of micro-configuration options and see the document operaini.html for more in-depth coverage.

Entry:Description:configure from UI:
Show Menu=Show menubar or not.no
Popup Link Address=Enable tooltip on link addresses.Preferences -> Toolbars -> Popup help
Scale=100Default document scale, in percent.Preferences -> Windows
Show Scrollbars=Show scrollbars in document windows.View menu
Show Progress Dialog=Show progress dialog on document windowsView menu
Show Window Toolbars=Show news toolbarsView menu
Status Line=Show statusline.View menu
WindowBar Alignment=Windowbar position in workspace. View menu -> Window bar
Document Mode=Document mode. (doc/user css)Preferences -> Documents
Ignore Target=Allow documents to create windows. Preferences -> Windows
MaximizeNewWindowsWhenAppropriate=Open new windows maximized if possible.Preferences -> Windows
Toolbar Type=Type of main buttonbar. Preferences -> Toolbars
Button Type=Type of buttons in toolbar. Preferences -> Toolbars
Save Windows=Save windows on exit.Preferences -> Start and Exit
Startup Type=Type of windows in workspace at startup Preferences -> Start and Exit
No Doc Save=Disable save document to file. no
No Doc Open=Disable open document.no
Enable DDEEnable DDE handling in Opera.no
NewWinSizeDefault size of new windows.no
Offline ModeOffline mode on and off.File menu
ProgressBar PositionProgressbar on top or bottom of document window.View menu
Show ClockShow time in statusline.View menu -> Status bar
TitleMain captionno

Visit these sections in opera.ini, also:
[Performance], [Cache], [Multimedia], [Disk Cache], [HotlistWindow], [ClipBoard], [ToolBar], and the ubiquitous [USER PREFS].

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the instructions in these documents will work on every computer and every platform. Please inform us if you have problems with Opera for this usage.

If you have a specific problem or question about using Opera, you can search for answers in our Technical Service section.