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Groups search result 2 for Moen group:opera.deutsch

Search Result 2
Von:Haavard K. Moen (hkmoen@opera.invalid)
Betrifft:Re: Unterschriftenaktion an Opera A/S Norwegen !!!
View: Complete Thread (14 articles) | Original Format
Datum:2001-10-19 09:20:29 PST
On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 14:21:33 GMT, Wieland Belka <wieland.belka ad>

> An alle Opera-Anhänger, die mit gutem Willen etwas bewegen helfen möchten:

First, I apologize for writing this in English. Although I learned
German in school and can understand it fairly well, I have forgotten
how to write. I also know that it has been a while since this was

I went to the page mentioned after browsing around today, and thought
I should comment on this.

We would of course love to do support in German and maintain German
pages. However, we do not have the resources for this. We are also
affected by the problematic situation in the IT industry. The ad
market isn't paying enough, and some of the planned revenue streams
had to be put off.

I read through a few posts on the message board mentioned, and saw a
lot of anger. Although there are always things we can do better,
people should understand that things don't always go as smoothly as
one would like.

If Wieland Belka is reading this, I would appreciate any comments.

(Note that part of the problem is that no one from Germany has gotten
a job in support yet. No one is stopping people from applying for a
job, though!)

Håvard K. Moen, Opera Software


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